Tai Chi and Aging

Aging is an inevitable part of human existence, beginning in childhood and continuing throughout life. While it’s inevitable, aging doesn’t need to be seen as a negative force: many factors impacting how quickly we age are outside of our control – including physical movement – including in adulthood where those who don’t prioritize movement may increase their risk of physical frailty as reported in December 2022 by Ageing Research Reviews; this can lead to health complications including sarcopenia (loss of muscle strength associated with age).

Tai chi can provide relief. Gentle movement practices like tai chi are effective ways of managing the challenges associated with growing older, such as maintaining bone health and improving balance.

Tai chi, which involves rhythmic patterns of movement and breath, has long been considered “meditation in motion.” According to theory, its primary goal is unblocking and encouraging the flow of qi energy force that must be balanced just like its opposite forces in nature (yin and yang) for harmony within society and life in general. Furthermore, practicing Tai Chi is said to improve balance while decreasing falls.

Studies examining Tai Chi and balance improvements among seniors revealed its link to increased dynamic postural control, static balance and proprioception improvement as well as being an effective adjunct therapy to manage fall risks associated with aging.