Coping With Empty Nest

As parents watch their children venture forth into adulthood on their own, we may feel both happiness and anxiety as they leave home for college, jobs or new residences – it can leave an inexplicable emptiness within us all that lasts a long time afterward. A normal reaction to change, but if persistent feelings of sadness and depression remain present then seeking support through therapy or loved ones might help.

Aging Parents: Coping With an Empty Nest

For empty nesters, navigating life after leaving home can be daunting and difficult. Parents may resist help in their later years and cause tension within families. Lum recommends trying to see the situation from your parent’s point of view and comprehend why they may be resistant. You should explore options for care including home health services, adult day services, assisted living facilities or nursing homes before consulting with local Area Agencies on Aging for resources that can address specific concerns and questions.

Reluctant aging parents may benefit from staying socially engaged to prevent mental health issues. Encourage visits with family and friends as well as retirement communities offering various activities designed for elderly residents (such as single-floor properties with supportive measures like support bars). Caring for elderly parents can be exhausting; make sure that you leave time for your own interests and hobbies!