Aging and the Art of Self-Expression

Aging and the Art of Self-Expression

For older adults experiencing significant life changes, losses or health concerns, artistic expression may provide a valuable way of coping. Engaging in creative pursuits like painting, sculpting or writing may allow these older adults to express emotions that may otherwise remain unsaid or difficult to articulate verbally.

Creative activities have been associated with decreased stress levels, improved cognition and overall well-being for seniors. This can be attributed to stimulating both hemispheres of the brain in an activity which encourages mindfulness, self-discovery and inner peace.

Artistic activities have long been recognized for their ability to reduce feelings of isolation, depression and loneliness while simultaneously increasing social engagement. Studies have also demonstrated how artistic engagement reduces medical care needs while increasing mobility and morale – an ability particularly helpful for people living with dementia who experience social withdrawal, aggression or agitation. Participating in arts-and-crafts activities – like singing in choir or visual art activities – may provide respite from isolation, depression and loneliness.

Rose, Adeena and Marcia all spoke of how being Artists has positively influenced their aging processes in terms of identity, motivation and connection. Art helps them feel connected to past and future generations instead of being limited by physical limitations; their works serve as powerful forms of communication which they hold dear; they treasure being part of an artistic journey together which they are proud to continue on together.