Your bones are living tissues that work hard to keep you healthy. They provide structure to your body and store essential minerals. Furthermore, blood cell production takes place here as well as bone marrow production. Bone mass typically peaks at age thirty before beginning its downward trend as your body gradually loses more tissue than is replaced with new growth – this may result in osteoporosis, increasing fracture risk.
Osteoporosis’ primary risk factor is age; however, other risk factors include gender (women are more prone to osteoporosis), body size and smoking habits (women more susceptible than men). Therefore it’s crucial that efforts be focused on mitigating any modifiable risk factors like inactivity, diet or low calcium and vitamin D intake as these could have an impact on risk.
Osteoporosis is an increasingly serious health concern among older adults, especially when left unchecked. The condition can result in hip or spine fractures which are painful and limit mobility, necessitating surgery to correct. But there are numerous steps you can take to protect your bones starting early – exercise, eating calcium-rich foods and visiting your primary care doctor regularly are essential steps towards keeping bones strong and healthy; for older adults especially, weight-bearing exercise – at least 30 minutes on four or more days per week plus balance and strength exercises – may also improve bone health and strength – should also be implemented to maintain strong and healthy bones.