Antiaging Nutrition Secrets That Help Keep You Looking Fresh And Young
A Number Of Different Alternatives Are Available
Feeling and looking young is well within the control of a person as the wrinkles, graying of hair and increased heart diseases are a result of one’s lifestyle and not so much the natural aging process. Getting the best dietary intakes can be more important than using other tools to prevent aging and it will be greatly complimented by adequate exercise and other preventive measures. There are a whole lot of antiaging nutrition secrets just waiting to be revealed and being informed about them is the first step to preventing the aging process.
The first antiaging nutrition secret is to consume and increase the intake of certain vitamins as you grow older. With age, the body’s nutrients become less efficient thereby causing the person to require increased nutrient intake. One important nutrient is vitamin D that is essential to prevent osteoporosis as with age the production of these vitamins reduces by supposedly 30 percent. By getting adequate intakes of vitamin D the antiaging system may begin to function properly, once again.
Vitamin B is another antiaging nutrition system requirement as it greatly helps to keep the levels of a compound known as homocysteine low because when these levels rise there is increased risk of heart diseases occurring as well as losing one’s memory. Vitamin B occurs in folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It is of even more importance to women and especially pregnant women and as they age further, they need more calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
A person who has an antiaging nutrition food intake consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables will feel more energetic and not be exposed to heart diseases as well as keep their weight within acceptable limits (another cause of health problems) will not age as fast as those who eat other foods, especially junk foods. This is because except for avocadoes, olives and coconuts, fresh vegetables and fruits do not contain any cholesterol, fat or sodium and they are also rich in fiber, are nutrient packed, containing enough calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, beta carotene as well as folic acid.
In addition, an antiaging nutrition diet consisting of fruits and vegetables will be loaded with anti-oxidants which will help to fight free radicals, oxygen fragments that can assault the cell membranes, life-protracting proteins and even the genetic code of their cells, all of which cause the person to age or suffer from some disease or the other. One should also make a conscious effort to get fat intake from fish instead of red meat and in addition, the antiaging nutrition should be augmented by cutting out unnecessary calorie intake.