Antiaging Diet Can Lengthen Lifespan
Eat right, get enough sleep and always wear your seatbelt are some of the opinions associated with longer life, but what is being more strongly suggested is an antiaging diet to help you live longer.
Men and women have seen their life spans increase over the past couple of hundreds of years, and many physicians believe that length of life is important; an antiaging diet can help with the quality of that extended span.
The body is made up of billions of cells, each with the ability to replicate itself when it dies. Cells are constantly dying and regenerating but the quality of the new cells is dependent on the quality of the nutritional values they draw from to be born. An antiaging diet can help supply the proper nutrition to make new cells even stronger than the dead ones.
Most recommendations for and antiaging diet suggest the intake of saturated fats be about ten percent of the total energy, even though the American Heart Association says about 30 percent is good. This would be about triple the amount eaten by groups with the lowest frequency of heart disease.
A major part of suggested antiaging diets involve eating less and exercising more, and consuming less high calorie junk food and even a lot of fast foods. Some vegetarians insist that by avoiding eating animal fat has a great benefit to slow the aging process and is an essential part of any antiaging diet.
Certain Foods Blamed For Faster Aging
Among the consumables said to cause cell degeneration, meaning the replicated cells are weaker than the original cells, are those with high levels of carbohydrates. Others include sugar, chocolate, preserved meat, chips, French fries and soy products, among many more. An antiaging diet also looks at foods with a high concentration of heavy metals, which is thought to speed the aging process.
Food such as raw nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds, seaweed, barley greens and olive oil are said to help with regeneration, which is when replicated cells are stronger than the dead ones being replaced. An antiaging diet is also high on antioxidants, foods with omega 3 fatty acids and fruit and vegetables. Since, however, the total intake of food for this type diet will be lower, vitamin supplements are recommended.
Additionally, with today’s farming techniques, not all grown products contain the natural minerals and supplements of B vitamins, Vitamin A and C as well as folic acid are often needed to add to the lowered amounts in food.