Antiaging research has come a long, long way and even if we did not yet find the source to stop aging altogether, we have definitely singled out the good practices from the bad ones, which are a great factor of preventing premature aging. Let us go though a brief summary of what antiaging research has taught us.
Balanced Diet And Exercise Regularly
Probably the most important factor to keep us young and in good health is to have a balanced diet along with regular exercise routine. Fruits and vegetables along with white meats are recommended at least with eight glasses of water daily. There is absolutely no need for strict diets, unless you have a special condition and your doctor recommends you one. You can eat anything you choose if it is done moderately and using your common sense.
Antiaging research shows that, with age, the body looses its sharp immune system and fast metabolism due to which we must do all we can to help it by taking supplements such as antioxidants, which combat free radicals and boost our immune system. Vitamins are also indicated by antiaging research as part of our daily intake in order to improve our immune system and metabolism.
External Use of Antiaging Creams
Antiaging research taught us the extremely important use of antiaging creams such as those that carry sun protection. The sun is the number one enemy of your skin believe it or not and can cause premature antiaging when we expose yourself to direct sunlight for more than couple of hours a day without protection.
Other antiaging creams are those that fight wrinkles, provide moisture and remove damaged cells from the surface. There are also serums and vitamins, which can be applied directly to the skin providing instant boost and glow.
Other Important Antiaging Agents
Laughter is the best remedy to stay healthy and young, research proved that as well. Try and relax, enjoy life and laugh as much as possible you will have less wrinkles in the process.
Stress has always an important factor that ages people overnight, fighting with it can create health problems and/or premature antiaging. Stay positive and focus on the good things life has to offer and you will enjoy the benefits of being healthy as well as look young.
Age is only a number, which no one needs to know but you.