As you start to approach later life you may begin to get concerned about growing old in a healthy way, and gentle but regular exercise could be the key. Yoga for healthy aging is fast becoming a popular way to stay flexible and feel great.
Yoga for healthy aging is a great way to tackle one of the most worrying problems for aging women, the problem of osteoporosis, or bone weakening. By starting now and building yoga for healthy aging in to your day, you will be taking positive steps to make sure that your bones remain healthy.
Wise and healthy aging is a combination of many things, so don’t forget to keep eating low fat, high calcium foods as this is also a great boost for bone health, and even more beneficial when done in combination with yoga for healthy aging.
Find A Local Teacher To Learn Yoga For Healthy Aging
The best way to start learning yoga for healthy aging is to get in touch with a yoga teacher in the area, explain your situation to them, and see which of their classes would be best for you. Many teachers are offering specific yoga for healthy aging classes, which should help you feel more comfortable as the whole class will be similar in age.
It is important before you start yoga for healthy aging that you tell your teacher about any existing medical problems you have, for example high blood pressure, heart disease, old surgical scars etc. This does not mean that you cannot do yoga, but means that the teacher may need to modify some of the poses for you.
If you can manage to attend one yoga for healthy aging class a week, you will be making a great start, but you can increase these benefits by trying to build a few exercises in to each day. Just ten minutes can make a lot of difference.
Yoga is a progressive form of exercise, and yoga for healthy aging is no different, so don’t be surprised when you first start if you cannot bend even half as much as the teacher seems to be able to. Remember they have been stretching their body in this way for years, just keep trying and slowly but surely you will find that you are making progress.
As well as being vital for osteoporosis prevention, yoga for healthy aging also helps stave off such conditions as arthritis, aids with the menopause and makes it much easier, and can help lower blood pressure, as it is very gentle and encourages relaxation and meditation as part of most classes.